Our Mission
The Historic Preservation Trust was founded in December 1995 with the mission of preserving sites and structures throughout Pike County. During the ensuing years it has organized itself as a nonprofit corporation and has received a 501.(C)(3) tax-exempt status to help it attract public and private funds in pursuit of its preservation projects.
The Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County, having created the Milford National Historic District, promotes the principles of preservation in all buildings in the district, especially those designated "historic", (built before 1947) and provides recognition of the most outstanding examples.
The Trust pursues recognition of historic events, sites, and structures highlighting the historic structures and history of Pike County's 13 municipalities and information on how to be considered a candidate for their financial assistance.
All our members are volunteers whose interests and skills reflect many disciplines. Our projects need input from homeowners, businesspeople and tradesmen, from people with organizing and project experience, and from communications experts and fundraisers, to name a few. Everyone who cares about Pike County’s architectural heritage will likely find some fulfillment from being affiliated with the Trust.
Historic Preservation Trust Programs
Grants are awarded for up to $5000, generally 2 per year. Applicants should submit a description, a photo of the project area, builder’s cost estimate or invoice, and a copy of the COA(Certificate of Appropriateness recommended by the ARB and approved by the Borough Council) to HPT/PC, 608 Broad St., Milford,PA 18337, Attention-Bill Kiger, Treasurer, 570-618-3138.
For business signage that is historically-appropriate to its location in Milford Borough’s commercial district in the amount of $1,500, generally 2-3 per year. Submit a description, draft design, signmaker’s design work, estimate, and confirmation that your sign project is before the ARB for recommendation to the Borough Council for its approval and a COA(Certificate Of Appropriateness), to HPT/PC, 608 Broad St. Milford PA, 18337. Attention: Bill Kiger, Pres., 570-618-3138. Because of the substantial size of the grant, the HPT asks for sign-off on the design before the ARB recommendation.
Offered for museum-documented family and township cemeteries in Pike County. Grant amounts are awarded for up to the full cost of the design and the sign itself.
Submit a description, draft design, map of location in Pike Co., and photo of the site, group, or individual the cemetery is cared for by, to HPT/PC, 608 Broad St., Milford, PA 18337, Attention: Lori Strelecki, 570-296-8126.
Find walking tour guides at the following locations: List coming soon!
Board Members
Lori Strelecki
Glyn Eisenhauer
Vice President
Bill Kiger
Secretary / Treasurer
Adriane Wendell
Michael Maruszewski
Nancy Simonet